Owl Autonomous Imaging: Receiving Your Hot Vendor Award Plaque from Aragon Research

What makes Owl Autonomous Imaging hot is its unique high-definition camera offering, which conducts thermal imaging to aid autonomous vehicles. Its solution is designed to enable autonomous vehicles to construct radiative heat maps of their environments that bypass weather conditions that might otherwise obstruct the camera. The Owl sensor, which uses in-house AI-based technology called Thermal Ranging, operates in all weather conditions and at any time of day. Owl’s camera has higher resolution than LiDAR methods. It features complete computer vision capabilities, enabling the identification of figures, vehicles, and other aspects of the environment, including predictive information about the speed and position of objects.

Who Should Evaluate Owl Autonomous Imaging?

Enterprises invested in autonomous infrastructure for self-driving vehicles, robotics, or other applications where camera clarity, responsiveness, and resolution is critical should consider the unique camera Owl offers. For automotive providers looking to invest in computer vision assisted driving, Owl’s monocular imaging hardware will support the core computer vision functionalities needed for autonomous vehicle operation.